Food Is Love

This weeks recipe is a Jamie Oliver Dessert, (Nan’s peach cafloutis) which Gill Sacks ingeniously pre-prepared by mixing the flour, castor sugar, salt, eggs and milk together into Jam Jars, making it fool proof for dummies like me.

All you have to do is shake-up the mixture and pour it over the peaches, sprinkling two (2)Tbl spoons of Sugar on top and adding small cubes of butter (as indicated) before popping into the oven to bake.

We cooked them for 35 minutes in total and took them out to cool before serving. Not bad at all!!

Ladies, please share your thoughts and suggestions.
This one is a no fuss, quick and easy to prepare dessert and you can get creative and make it your own. Its so easy, the kids can do it too.


Gill injects love and energy into the Wynberg Kitchen, giving generously of her time and inspiring us with wholesome and delicious recipe’s.

Thanks Gill!

Dessert Recipe and Pictures below:

Making Challah with our Children – Rosh Chodesh


JLL (Herzlia) held a Challah Bake last Thursday at the High School. A fitting tribute for Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Nina reserved a space for us and I was running late as usual.

Shabbat and Challah making are the most enjoyable aspects of my Jewish life. Until recently Rosh Chodesh was unknown to me, so I was excited to learn that there are many ways to celebrate the new moon as a Jewish women, one of which is making Challah.

Rosh Chodesh is particularly significant for women, as it relates our monthly cycle directly to that of the moon. In some communities, it is customary for women to wear new clothing on Rosh Chodesh (…a good reason to wear that new dress or to go shopping!!) . Some communities have special gatherings for women to learn Torah together. Some pray together, either from the special prayers of the day, or from the book of Tehillim, Psalms. It really is up to you to decide how to make it meaningful for you.

After making our Challah dough, we made prayers for our children and welcomed in the new possibilities of the coming month. Here is some information about the Mitzvah of Challah and a few of the beautiful Challah’s that were made. These moms are obviously pro’s

Wishing all you all a beautiful Shabbat and blessed month ahead.










Israel Day 7 – 15th May 2017


As Jewish women and mothers we have roles and responsibilities to our Children, the Jewish Community and the broader Community. Sitting here today in Israel, we are living out Gods prophecy to the Jewish people. This is powerful. In the words of Theodor Hertzl….’If you will it, it is no dream’. I willed this and here I am.

We departed to Tel Aviv for a quick tour of Yafo overlooking the beach and the city skyline. Followed by a tour of Independence Hall, where we sang Hatikva together. After lunch in Tel Aviv and a walk through Sarona Market, we departed for the JWRP Momentum evening in Kedma.

I am blessed to be part of the JWRP Women’s experience which really gives an intentional and nurturing Jewish experience beyond all expectations.


Israel Day 6 – 14th May 2017


Every day on the trip has been amazing but today really stood out for me. We stood on top of Masada, swam in the Dead Sea, rode Camels and shared ours highs and lows with future Israeli soldiers. I feel expanded, nourished and connected to Israel, in ways I never imagined. The JWRP program is food for the soul and it starts with each one of us Jewish ‘Mammas’ to carry it forward!




Israel Day 5 – 13th May 2017

The day kicked off with power talks on Shabbat and how to bring out the best in our kids by nurturing their individuality. Rabbi Gavriel Friedman was hilarious in his delivery of ”Shabbat – Heaven on Earth”. I left feeling inspired and enthused about Shabbat and parenting but from a whole new perspective.

We walked to Rabbi Hillel and Chaya’s home for an authentic Shabbat lunch and shared our very personal experiences. I felt the true spirit of Shabbat giving and receiving.

Israel Day 4 – 12th May 2017


Shabbat in Jerusalem was beyond heavenly. It couldn’t have started off any better when we received beautiful letters from our children in Cape Town. It was instant tears in the room.
From lighting candles to dancing and singing at the Kotel. What a night to remember! Thank you JWRP and to our Cape Town Trip Leaders Jodi and Debbie. You rock!


Israel Day 3 – 11th May 2017


Today was a day of internal reflection and exploration by foot to the Old City. We walked together to the Old City, explored its walls and talked the meaning and essence of prayer (to Praise, Ask and Give thanks to our Creator). We stood together at the Kotel, where heaven is said to meet earth. It’s a moment which will remain in my heart and mind forever.

The visit to Yad Vashem and Her Hertzl put a lot into perspective and I felt really proud and inspired by our soldiers and the enduring spirit of the Jewish people. Sad, hopeful, grateful, relieved, blessed.

Thought for the day – Words create Worlds


Israel Day 2 – 10th May 2017


The Day started with Jewish Wisdom on marriage and the importance of looking at people with generous eyes.
We explored Tzfat’s streets and ancient Synagogues by foot and toured the Mikvah, followed by a powerful and moving women’s meditation session holding hands together. Before leaving for Jerusalem we ate home made Matzah in celebration of Pesach Cheini. It was an emotional day, followed by moving life stories by David (our Tour Guide) and Julie (our bus leader). What wisdom and inspiration!


Israel Day 1 – 09th May 2017


We left Ben Gurion with anticipation and mixed emotion.
Setting off towards the North of Israel, we arrived to a magical view of the Sea of Galilee on the outskirts of Tiberias. I learned that Tiberias is one of the four holy cities of Israel. The road to the Hotel was lined with purple Jacaranda trees welcoming us to the ‘Leonardo Tiberias’.
The theme for today is the power of speech or the power of NOT speaking. Words are powerful and we should choose them wisely. As mothers, we have the power to instill positive change through our words and actions which directly impact our children, our families, our communities and the world, The most powerful lesson we can teach our children is gratitude.
After a refreshing swim in the Sea of Galilee (which I never imagined in my wildest dreams), we set off to ‘DECKS’ restaurant for an evening of fun, food, fireworks and laughter.

Adrienne Gold explained it so beautifully when she said ‘We are all here right now in Israel because we were born knowing this is our home. We have been moving towards this moment all of our lives and we have finally arrived!’
